L&T Archive 1998-2003

Coppice and Copse in P&P

Thanks for pointing to it, Caroline. Now I can visualize this:

They crossed it by a simple bridge, in character with the general air of the scene; it was a spot less adorned than any they had yet visited; and the valley, here contracted into a glen, allowed room only for the stream, and a narrow walk amidst the rough coppice-wood which bordered it. - Pemberley.

And better "see" Longbourn's "pretty kind of a little wilderness":

They proceeded in silence along the gravel walk that led to the copse; Elizabeth was determined to make no effort for conversation with a woman who was now more than usually insolent and disagreeable.

As soon as they entered the copse, Lady Catherine began in the following manner: --

Messages In This Thread

MT Woodland - Types and Terms (long)
Care for some visuals with that? ;-)
I would
Visual aids etc
Yes, very useful
With Spencer's Permission (Coppice )
Already enjoying this MT
Yes, let's not go there......
A scheme to Box Hill
Pollard, a.k.a "Broccoli Tree"
Not a pic, but a poem....... (Selborne Hanger)
Turtles? nfm
Yup, turtles!
Three birds?
Four calling birds, three french hens......
four colly birds
More famously
And `The Phoenix and the Turtle'. nfm
I think you have solved it!
The cooing is melancholy
Well, ......
You say demented, some say maddening
I guess this is by Gilbert White? (nfm)
I believe so......
He has delighted us long enough I fear (nfm)
Gilbert White and John Clare
Sorry about the spaced lines. I'll work it out eventually.
How stupid can I get. Sorry.
Don't worry!
Okay, a picture of Selborne Hanger
A couple of caveats
Coppice and Copse in P&P
More JA coppices and hangers
I hope I'll be forgiven for this.
Peeled away
New wallpaper to match M.T.! Thanks (nfm)
Wood Pasture
Woolmer Forest, 1830....
Woolmer Forest, 1789
Wet Heath and treeless forest
Dirty Bottoms
Don't forget thicket!
Woodland place names
One, anyway
'Park' can be a woodland term.....
Chawton Park Wood
Well, there you are, you see.....
I see the wood
It's the wormy thing......
I see it now! Thanks :-) (nfm)
Thanks, Caroline. Marvellous map. nfm
So, Rosings Park
A clue perhaps.
Found a ha-ha!
Ah-ha! A ha-ha! (nfm)
Wimpole Hall
Wasn't planning to...
Parks and Pales
Jinx, Spencer! :-) (nfm)
Coppicing and Pollarding