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L&T Archive 1998-2003

Message Index

The Real Jane Austen on BBC 1, on Sunday
M.T. Two poems, no picture and a harder quiz
Some more.....
M.T. A Picture, a Poem, and an Easy Quiz
Shakespeare county
Great oak pics
MT the uses of hornbeam revisited
Not testing my patience. Thanks. MX. nfm
What about rowans?
Phew, some questions, GK!
MT Trees - Holly
The Holly and the Ivy
See the Parson Woodforde link below....and....
Just to complete the databank...... ;-)
A moderately relevant article... ;-)
Meetings with remarkable views...
Jane Austen's family names
Let me have the pleasure!
Thank you very much...
JA's names (Does this belongs to Austenutaions?)
It's fine here!
Henry Tilney
MT Grassland; Gravel pits and Meadows.
MT Hunsden Mead
Ragged Robin
Farming etc.
Well, ;-)
Christmas Riddles to Test Your Ingenuity!
I believe ....
A guess at 3.
Have two mince pies!
24 letters
Another puzzle solved - thank you! nfm
"The Real Jane Austen" on BBC 30th December
In America?
Which BBC, please?
Parson Woodforde's Christmas- from Library
thank you for posting the link! (nfm)
How large window glasses could they make in JAs days?
Plate glass
That should be 'cast iron', not 'cat iron'. nfm
I was just going to google "cat iron"
Thank you, Linden! nfm
Lead Framing
Run mad if you chuse, but do not faint.......
It's splendid for manipulation
Falling senseless to the ground.....
Positively gothic!
Vapours = Hysterics
Link to "Domestic Medicine"
Makes me wonder
The vapours
True, but
Oh yes
The quill as cause for fainting
literary licence
What about chlorosis?
The planes of London
Plane talking
London Planes and other City trees
Planes and Sycamores
More sycamores....
Acer pseudoplatanus and others
Thankful for Linnaeus
sycamores and robins.
Robins and blackbirds
Robins and Blackbirds
I live with sycamores ...
Oh, yes, but the eighteenth century loved them!
Urban weeds
Sycamore aroma
Another nice article in there, too...
Just a bit biased here
MT Trees - The tree I didnt see...
Come to Melbourne, Australia
Dutch elm disease
Wych(sic) were the The Elms of Highbury?
Rural law enforcement and property/ land rights
Christmas and the V word
The Christmas goose
Driving flocks
Links Lincs to Lancs
And I found a reference to hedgerows...
hornbeam charcoal
More like that
Actually, Swallowdale
Gunpowder, of course.
Charcoal burning: how-to and pictures
Charcoal for gunpowder
Got an answer re: calling cards
This may well be
Countryside stamps
Pince cone?
Are not they gorgeous?
MT: bees
Bees and JA
Bees and Napoleon
Bees and furnishings
LOL - good for business! nfm
A brief opinion
my $.02, since we're talking money :-)
My take on the word ("dowry")
Tarmac versus Macadamised - a century later
MT: Spencer
Fully seconded!
Thanks very much to all.
And thirded!
Amen nfm
MT The Lee Valley - Hertford
MT Lee Navigation
The Lee Valley (Map)
The New River
Ha, Beat me to it, Linden!
Between Hertford and Ware.
Scott's Grotto
M.T. Birdsongs in P&P2
What an amazing post! NFM
Excellent post
Have I really posted about Willoughby´s boquet? NFM
BBC and birds
The climate of Jane's England
Very quickly....
Here! :-)
The winter of '63
Me too
I remember the winter of '47!
Frost patterns on windows
Nick Frost
Winter of 63
The Washington Post
the missing link
thanks, and a link found
MT: Winter excersize
Mary Woollstencraft
Could we tie this into Jane Austen , please?
May I come in here, please?
Been looking for my copy....
Mobs of material
MT:: Lyme, and geology in JA's time
For a really good understanding of it...
Well, I was confused...
Then there's that famous tribe of Ancient Brits...
My library has that book...
Good Geology
Ladies, this might be useful ...
Thank you....
No, but...
Frankly, no...
With due apologies -
Jane Austen almost certainly did....
thank you
That's crex crex nfm
MT: Capability Brown
Do you think JA liked his work?
MT Hertford (and other) Heaths
Sherwood Forest
Erica and Calluna
Chalky Heaths?
Heaths, and heather
Small wonder.
Thanks all
Grazing Stock
The Uses of Heather
Norfolk Reed and sedge
Don't use wheat any more
On line archive of letters
Celebrity gossip - here's a probable case...
I bet that had them rolling in the aisles then...
I guess that's me
Only if you want it for yourself...
Interesting but far too brief...
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