L&T Archive 1998-2003

Another Quilt ?

I have just started reading 'A Memoar of Jane Austen' by her nephew, 1989 ed.
In her introduction Faye Weldon says something that surprised me.
Writing about 'how little actual information about the manner of Jane Austen's life we have' and finishes with "her nephew's memoir..brother Henry's biographical note..a collection of minor letters, one rather bad portrait of her by her sister Cassandra,
and a quilt stitched(badly)by the novelist when young is just about all we have".

Quilt stitched badly?? When young?
The only quilt I have heard about is the one at Chawton.Is there another? I'm sure she worked on other quilts, but as far as I know only the one remains. And that one is certainly not badly stitched.

What is(was)F.W.talking about? Perhaps she hadn't seen it.
Maybe it was still in private ownership in 1989?

Leif Gn

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Another Quilt ?
Between you and me, ....;-)