L&T Archive 1998-2003

An early biography -- so many mistakes,

so little time to catalogue them all. :-)

I have a copy of Jane Austen, by Mrs. Charles Malden, part of the Famous Women series published by Roberts Brothers in 1889.

Even without consulting other references, I was able to spot a couple of mistakes in the introductory section, and with help I found others.

1. Mrs. Malden says (p. 8), "five sons were born at Deane in rapid succession, James, Edward, Henry, Francis, and Charles." I knew that Charles was younger than Jane (who was born at Steventon), and that the author had missed the birth of George. But, Henry & Francis were also born at Steventon, there was a break of almost 4 years between the births of Edward and Henry, and Francis was born after Cassandra.

2. On p. 8, "In 1771, the Austen family migrated to Steventon Parsonage." They actually moved in 1768.

3. Also on p. 8, "On January the 9th, 1772, her first daughter was born, and christened Cassandra." Right day & month, but early by a year, since Cassandra was born in 1773.

I'd best stop reading now, or I will have a list of errata longer than the book itself. :-)

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An early biography -- so many mistakes,
Well, at least they spelt her name right! ;-) nfm