L&T Archive 1998-2003

What about bathing?

There's been some talk about pollution and clothes and washing.
What about bathing? In the 18th century personal hygiene came into fashion again after having been less so in earlier times.
And better quality soap was manufactured. But I still don't think people bathed very often. The reason was of course that it was laborious and troubelsome without running and hot water.

Both in the countryside and in the cities it was often the kitchen that was used because there was the stove to heat the water on.

I remember this from my own childhood, from a flat we lived in
with running water but no bathroom,and when visiting my grandparents farm.

And how do you do it without help?
If you think about it, how extremly impractical it seems.
And you have to forewarn people. "Now kids, run out and play for a while,mother and auntie is going to have a bath!"

I don't know if there were bath-houses in the bigger cities in England?
Not of the spa type but for getting yourself clean. Or did that
type of common bath come later in Victorian time?

Leif Gn

Messages In This Thread

What about bathing?
Well ...
Lark Rise to Candleford
The Great Wash
What was available
Brilliant information - thank you! nfm
Cold water