L&T Archive 1998-2003

Farming out babies
In Response To: Weaning ()

] ] Was Mrs Austen doing anything unusual in sending all her babies away to be reared by a local nurse?

It does seem strange to our modern way of thinking, Mrs Austin farming out her babies, but from what I have read in JA bios. Mr. Austen was running a school, so there were several pupils lodging at their house, plus the Austin's own children, plus some servants. Had Mr& Mrs Austin not been so pressed for space, they may have opted to have nurses, wet and dry, living in.

Also, I believe Mrs. Austen was very much involved with the running of the school, acting as "matron" to the pupils, in addtion to running the household, so her time was limited.

Mrs. Austin was very much a Working Mum and like Working Mum's today (who havn't the financial resourses or the space to employ a nanny) found the best solution she could.

It is to be hoped that Mrs. Austin received less critisim over her choice of childcare than Working Mum's have to put up with today.

Messages In This Thread

MT. Farming out babies
Farming out babies
Claire Tomalin says:
I think you're right
Very helpful and interesting, thanks for the explanation! - NFM
Maybe Tomalin...
farming out avoids infections
Are you new to Pemberley?
'A good woman at Deane'..?
A possible answer