L&T Archive 1998-2003

In Response To: Napoleon blankets? ()

] Does anyone know what ‘Napoleon blankets’ are?

No: you've stumped me on that one -- and googling shows up nothing. It's an odd phrase, for one thing: the British tended to refer to the man as Bonaparte rather than Napoeleon during that period (ie they acknowledged that he was a general, but not an Emperor and entitled to be referred to by his Christian name). Googling shows up nothing on Bonaparte blankets, either.

] Was this the hysteria-driven Regency equivalent of plastic sheeting and duct tape?

There was a serious possibility of invasion: Bonaparte had amassed a sizeable army waiting for the right opportunity to invade. It never came, largely thanks to the Royal Navy (hoorah!)

Messages In This Thread

Napoleon blankets?
Makeshift tents, perhaps???
Blanket Tents
The annoying Park Honan
Definitively ...
More controversy than you can shake a stick at.....
Please, let's compare bios when we're though! nfm
Napoleon Blanket
LOL! Well