L&T Archive 1998-2003

*sigh* you caught me

] ....whiskers, I mean. Could you find it, to give a bit of context, please?

It doesn't. Not in the novels. I was afraid you would point that out. And actually, (I might as well confess the whole thing...) the question occurred to me while reading Jane Eyre, the section where Jane draws Mr. Rochester's portrait. I know. I'm transgressing the rules. But really, it does apply to JA's time. Here's a line from one of her letters to Cassandra:

"Mr. Brecknell is very religious, and has got black whiskers."

So you see, it was commonly used in descriptions of gentlemen. I just want to know what it means, so I can properly envision Mr. Rochester, or Mr. Brecknell, or anyone. Or so I can properly describe any of JA's characters.

If this still seems too off topic to you, I will gladly delete.

Messages In This Thread

Frivolous facial hair question
Don't remember the word coming up....
*sigh* you caught me
I just had to find out...
Facial hair in Regency...
Thanks! nfm