L&T Archive 1998-2003

Plays by Jane -where to find?

I was advised to ask this question here.

In Dec 1806,probably after Christmas, Jane Austen and her mother
and Mary Gibson the pregnant wife of Jane's brother Francis was at the house in Southampton.
Martha Lloyd and sister Cassandra had gone elsewhere on visits and Jane had looked forward to some quiet time, perhaps for writing.
But no,it wasn'to be. Her brother James and his wife Mary with daughter Caroline came to stay for the New Year. The weather was bad,Mary Gibson was having fainting fits, and Jane wasn't pleased, and in a letter later expressed relief after they had gone.
But she did what she could to make the stay pleasant. It is supposed that at this time she wrote a couple of small plays to entertain the company. "giving in amusing fashion Instructions for baby-care".

This was probably only simple pieces but sounds interesting since it's not any of her earlier work. The question is where do we find them?
In a note is refered to D.Le Faye,"The business of mothering".
Must be from a book she has written or it could be an article from a Jane Austen Society report.

Does anyone know more about this?

Leif G-n

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Plays by Jane -where to find?
The only one I know of......