L&T Archive 1998-2003

April M.T...and beyond.

The GR of NA starts on March 30, so the MT for that month is going to be NA back-up, that is, historical questions arising form reading NA. That could include looking at old Abbeys, and speculating about what JA knew of them, pinning up of your friend's ball gown before the dance, painting techniques, and of course, gothic novels in general. In November 2000 our MT was Gothic- literary, artistic, social aspects; there's a lot of information in that month's posts that could be useful.

After that, we have no fixed engagements. Louisa P and I have been discussing the possibility of using Ellen Moody's calendars and Louisa's vast collection of fashion plates to consider what was worn to the Netherfield Ball, etc. etc., and perhaps compare this with what actually appeared in the movie productions of the novels..not to nitpick about historical accuracy, but to see just how good a fit the three elements are.This timing will depend on Louisa. If anyone else would like to help with this, pease e-mail me with your ideas.

Other topics still outstanding include "farming"- we touched on it on the Countryide topic, but it really deserves time on its own. I guess that would have to be sometime after May. Then there's the possibility of doing more Art- we never really tackled landscape, prints and other mass-productions.

Any other suggestions?

Messages In This Thread

April M.T...and beyond.
Yah... Rumford here we come! nfm
I hope that the whole MT will not be....
Happy birthday to the Count
Belay that question
Farming and Landscape