L&T Archive 1998-2003

Rank & status, perhaps?
In Response To: We younger sons... ()

] So, was this relatively harmonious relation between older and younger brothers common, was JA basing it on her own family, or was she just not letting her pen dwell on guilt and misery?

Linden, one thing I picked out of your list of JA's characters - Col Fitzwilliam is the younger son of an Earl - midway up the nobility scale - and, though I know this is not strictly speaking, you would like to think an Earl clears more money than a Baronet or a gentleman. But, I'm sure there's documented evidence of poor Earls and rich Baronets and gentlemen out there somewhere - look at Darcy!

The reason I point this out? Maybe, generally, younger sons of noble families had more to lose in such situations. They had been accustomed to wealth and luxury while growing up in the paternal abode and then find themselves virtually cut loose and are obliged to make their own money - or marry it - with much uncertainty. With such a case, I can't help but wonder at Fitzwilliam's slight resentfulness of his situation.

Then again, I could be entirely wrong and it could be just JA not letting her pen dwell on guilt or misery - it's just a theory!

- Jo
(who tries hard to please Caroline by doing the right thing at L&T - or should this be on AoA?) :-)

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We younger sons...
Rank & status, perhaps?