Michele S.

One thing that made a great impression on me on this trip was how incredibly friendly and helpful the English were, in general. This wasn't an isolated incident, but something that occured over and over - what lovely, lovely people!

From the RoP part of the trip itself, my first really great memory has to be Dancing the Maggot. ;) Aside of the serious rush when it started to really look like we were dancing the Maggot (and the fact that I adore English country dancing, period).......I think that's when the ice really broke. Even during the introductions on the patio, most people were still pretty subdued - but we just couldn't stay that way during the dancing. Thanks so much for scheduling that for the first night!

Other fond memories:

And the thing that made the trip truly memorable - the company. I can't imagine this trip being as wonderful as it was with any other. It was wonderful to finally meet people - to put faces with names and get to know people a little better.

- Republic of Pemberley -

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