Crewkherne, Somersetshire

Kearsley's Traveller's Entertaining Guide through Great Britain (1803):

Crewkherne is situated on a branch of the river Parret. Three miles beyond is a hill that commands one of the most beautiful prospects in Great Britain. Two miles beyond on the r. is Hinton St. George, earl Paulett. Within three miles of Chard on the l. is Cricket-lodge, lord Bridport; and a mile further on the r. is Avishays, Mrs Marwood.

Inns: George, Red Lion.

Use the "Show me" link to locate Crewkherne on the map. You may need to scroll down to see Crewkherne highlighted.

Crewkherne is in Somersetshire. We have used the Dorsetshire map, however, in order to illustrate its geographical position in Relation to Lyme, etc. Go the Crewkherne, Somersetshire page to see Crewkherne as depicted in Cary's Somersetshire map.

 Chapter 12 
"Yes, sir, a Mr. Elliot, a gentleman of large fortune, came in last night from Sidmouth. Dare say you heard the carriage, sir, while you were at dinner; and going on now for Crewkherne, on his way to Bath and London."
 Chapter 13 
Charles was to return to Lyme the same afternoon, and his father had at first half a mind to go with him, but the ladies could not consent. It would be going only to multiply trouble to the others, and increase his own distress; and a much better scheme followed, and was acted upon. A chaise was sent for from Crewkherne, and Charles conveyed back a far more useful person in the old nursery-maid of the family, one who, having brought up all the children, and seen the very last, the lingering and long-petted master Harry, sent to school after his brothers, was now living in her deserted nursery to mend stockings, and dress all the blains and bruises she could get near her, and who, consequently, was only too happy in being allowed to go and help nurse dear Miss Louisa. Vague wishes of getting Sarah thither had occurred before to Mrs. Musgrove and Henrietta; but without Anne, it would hardly have been resolved on and found practicable so soon.

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