Return to Jane Austen info page Table of contents Return to Jane Austen's Writings This tale of the self-seeking Lady Susan Vernon was written by Jane Austen, probably some time before 1805, but was not published until 1871, as part of James Edward Austen-Leigh's Memoir (Jane Austen left it untitled; the title "Lady Susan" was provided by Austen-Leigh). This is the work of Jane Austen's which comes closest to what we now think of as "Regency". [I have somewhat arbitrarily split the HTML version of Lady Susan into three conveniently-sized parts. Lady Susan is also available as a single plain ASCII e-text file, compressed in binary .zip format <49888 bytes> -- see explanation of ".zip" here].
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Genealogical table of Vernons and De Courcys in Lady SusanSir Reginald === Lady C. De Courcy | De Courcy +---------------------------+ +-------+-------+ | | | | | | | | ---- Vernon === Lady Susan Charles === Catherine V. Reginald ELDEST SON | (About 35 Vernon | née De Courcy De Courcy Died recently | years old) | ELDEST SON | | | | Frederica Susanna Vernon several (16 years old) children So why is she called "Lady" Susan anyway?This must be because she is the daughter of a high-ranking nobleman (Earl or higher), like Lady Catherine in Pride and Prejudice. See the explanation of such aristocratic honorifics. Notes
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