L&T Archive 1998-2003

Sherborne St John and the Vyne

I went back to work on Monday to find a printout of this website on my clip board. We take our elderly clients on trips around London in the summer and a visit to The Vyne is being scheduled.

Sherborne St John and the Vyne by Rupert Willoughby (author of Chawton: Jane Austen's Village) certainly looks fascinating, especialy the character of William Chute. Has anyone read this? It seems to have been published around the end of October, but I did not see it on sale at Chawton Cottage in November - Well I didnt notice it anyway!

Messages In This Thread

Sherborne St John and the Vyne
Defintely worth a visit
Further connections with JA
Another story about the Vyne
Jane visit at the Vyne