L&T Archive 1998-2003

Definitely funny...

] I laughed hysterically after reading this. But no one else seemed to find it as funny as I did.

I'm new at this Regency study, but have just read Tomalin's bio and am now reading Le Faye's 'The World of Her Novels'.

To be able to read something from The Loiterer is lovely. I find it very funny, now that I know what The Loiterer is.

I feel privileged to be in the company of so many experts and hope you can bear to share this month with such a novice.

Messages In This Thread

Juvenilia/Early Writings
The Loiterer
Check this out
Convoluted syntax
Thank you...
A nice piece from the Loiterer...
A Sporting Parson
Definitely funny...
"Currently in submission"
Not ignoring this...
JA as a literary advisor
What an editor!