L&T Archive 1998-2003


The justification for this kind of coalition government is always that it os above party and will bring all of the best people into office together for the common good. The reality, as Linden notes, is that the members of the MAT were united mostly by their hunger for the fruits of office, of which they had been long deprived because of their unwillingness or inability to work with the late Sir William Pitt. The name was sarcastic, bestowed upon them from the outset by their critics.

Messages In This Thread

MT: Henry's bankruptcy
Receiver General &c
Biographical notice
Thanks for that. nfm
Tilson's bank: a wild speculation, and a sober thought
Very quick response
"Ministry of All Talents"?
Ministry of All the Talents
What does the name mean? nfm
More on the `Talents'
Moira and Wentworth Woodhouse?
Earl of Moira
Lord Moira: a correction and some additions.
A Repentance Offering
To pluck a rose....
Ah, plumbing! I love to learn about plumbing. nfm
Learn Something New Here Every Day - nfm
On Moira/ Hastings...
Of two Hastingses
No idea!
A couple of contemporary bankers