L&T Archive 1998-2003

Culpeper on roses
In Response To: I think it's valid. ()

So speaketh Culpeper: The damask rose, the common red rose and the dog rose, or hip, are the only kinds regarded in medicine.
Here’s a summary of what was under the Rose Damask.

A syrup is made from the flowers of the damask rose. Infusing them 24 hours in boiling water, straining off the liquor, adding twice the weight of refined sugar. Excellent purge for children.

Conserve of unripe flowers has the same properties.
A conserve made of the dog rose fruit is of considerable efficacy for colds and coughs.
Dried flowers of the common rose in infusions or powder against overflowing of menses, spitting of blood and other hemorrhages.

Tincture: pouring a pint of boiling water on an once of dried petals, adding 15 drops of oil of vitriol and three or four drams of the finest sugar, stir together and cool. When strained beautiful red colour. Take 2-3 spoonfuls a day to strengthen stomach and prevent vomiting.

(and there is more...)Seems roses were used to cure or mitigate most anything.Cooling the fevers, given to consumptive persons,all distempers of the breast,cooling and drying, astringent. Women's curses.The whites. red roses made with wine is good for head-ache, pains in the eyes, ears, throat and gums, even fastening teeth if they are loose...
But not a word on symbols.

Messages In This Thread

MT: Language of flowers
I think it's valid.
Culpeper on Hyacinthus
The Whites....
Thanks a lot nfm
Culpeper on roses