L&T Archive 1998-2003

Country Inns
In Response To: Inn Parlors ()

Most of the country inns had a private parlour or two so that those staying there could be served as a separate unit.So there might be two or three groups staying at the inn, who wouldn't have more than cursory contact with each other. You can see ths happening in Persuasion, where the large party at Lyme narrowly miss meeting Mr Elliot. Such private rooms were, actually "hired", but the charge was usually minimal,and was sometimes dispensed with altogether.

Some of the oldest coaching inns in England still keep to the custom, and rather than providing you with a private table, wil provide a separate room. Don't forget also , that many of htese Inns, like the one at Lambton, would actually be very small, nad have very few visitors at any one time.

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Inn Parlors
Country Inns