L&T Archive 1998-2003

All explanations make sense to me! :-) nfm

] Reasons togo to Chawton , apart from James being able to ride over...

] 1) Henry had tried to buy the rectorship of Chawton, but hadn't succeeded. He did end up being a curate there. There does seem to be an overall Austen /night interest in the living, apart from the fact that it was Edward who had the advowson.

] 2) Frank was living there! His wife gave birth to a girl just after they arrived.

] 3) Edward sent his sons to nearby Winchester School- I'm not sure when that started, but I do know that the Austen's cottage provided a convenient 'break' in the journey from WInchester to Godnmersham, and the Austen ladies saw a lot of Edward's boys this way.

] 4) Although there are Kentish Austens, they were not really close to Godmersham, and there doesn't seem to have been any really strong family ties to that area...as far as I can see, anyway.

] Amazing what one chapter of Dierdre LeFaye will reveal....!

Messages In This Thread

M.T. Chawton already!
Farewell Bath .. Welcome Chawton!
choice of Chawton
Shades of S&S?
Something a bit more pleasant..and positive.....
All explanations make sense to me! :-) nfm
One tiny warning.....
A link
Thanks nfm
Is this the same book?
I'm quite sure it is
Many thanks nfm
It so happens...
Very interesting! That thought....
Re: Relations..
Good point!
Re. Relations..
Family relations
And just to make it even more confusing
Did I miss a thread about poor George...
'Tis very unwise, I know (-;