L&T Archive 1998-2003

Re. Relations..
In Response To: Good point! ()

] I forgot that most people don't know these terms any more!

Thank You Anielka, You have made it a bit more clear, I think.
I had to put each name on a piece of paper to sort it out.
I wasn't aware that the word cousin can have a wider meaning.

But it must have been difficult even for the Austen family to keep track of their relations without explaining in detail or putting it on paper.

Just to se if I have got it right:
JA would say about James Henry Leigh that he was her second cousin,once removed,in the ascendant.
And about Lady Caroline Brydges that she was her first cousin
twice removed,in the ascendant.
And I suppose that she also had to add that they were on her mothers side to make it more clear.
Lady C. on her side, if she happened to mention Jane, would say that 'she is my first cousin,twice removed,in the descendant'.

Have I passed the test?

Leif G-n

Messages In This Thread

M.T. Chawton already!
Farewell Bath .. Welcome Chawton!
choice of Chawton
Shades of S&S?
Something a bit more pleasant..and positive.....
All explanations make sense to me! :-) nfm
One tiny warning.....
A link
Thanks nfm
Is this the same book?
I'm quite sure it is
Many thanks nfm
It so happens...
Very interesting! That thought....
Re: Relations..
Good point!
Re. Relations..
Family relations
And just to make it even more confusing
Did I miss a thread about poor George...
'Tis very unwise, I know (-;