L&T Archive 1998-2003

Yes Louisa, thank you.
In Response To: Loads of velvet dresses ()

I am perfectly convinced by your shower of evidences that velvet wasn’t completely out of fashion.
But you must admit that my prejudice was not so ill founded for, I repeat, in the adaptations I don’t remember having seen velvet. Perhaps costumers share my prejudice.

For Caroline.
Thank you for your link, I’ve found this interesting and exhilarating explanation in the same page:
‘Court fashions were often rather removed from those of the world outside; the outdated hooped dresses of the 1740s, for example, were still worn until around 1820.’

Messages In This Thread

Miss Crawford's wardrobe
MP2 fashions
Velvet was never out of style....
I was reminded of
Just a red velvet dress, Caroline
Ah, well!
Why velvet was out of fashion
Loads of velvet dresses
Yes Louisa, thank you.