Here are three example of sofas taken from the noted furniture designer, George Hepplewhite’s book The Cabinet–Maker and Upholsterer’s Guide (third edition)(1794).
There are six in all illustrated in the book, but these give you a good idea of the type of furniture that JA writes about in Chapter 7.
This is what Hepplewhite had to say about sofas:
Plates 21,22,23,24 present four designs for sofas; the woodwork of which should be either mahogany or japanned, in accordance to the chairs; the covering must also be of the same.
The dimensions of sofas vary according to the size of the room and pleasure of the purchaser.
The following is the proportion in general use: length between 6 and 7 feet, depth about 30 inches, height of the seat frame 14 inches; total height in the back 3 feet 1 inch.
Plate 25 shews a design for a sofa of the newest fashion; the frame should be japanned with green on white ground, and the edges gilt, the covering of red Morocco leather
Here is Plate 25.