L&T Archive 1998-2003

Interesting to Consider

I doubt very strongly that they would have agreed on politics, and I think in general that his view of human nature and its potential would be rather more optimistic than hers. Plus, there were aspects of his personal life which, had she known of them, she would most definitely have reprobated.

On the other hand, she was a member of what TJ called the "natural aristocracy of talent and virtue," and he corresponded amiably with all sorts of people with whom he disagreed. It would have been fascinating to see them exchange opinions.

Messages In This Thread

M.T. Mr Hume and Mr Robertson- who were these guys?
Who Were Those Guys
Found Hume's "History......"
Robertson and Mary Queen of Scots
This is what he looks like
Link to text online
Hume As Historian
Then JA and Jefferson wouldn't have got on well? ;-)
I'm just trying to imagine their conversation! nfm
Interesting to Consider
Hume As Stylist
We should also consider JA
We should, indeed!