L&T Archive 1998-2003

Basis for argument..?
In Response To: Is It, Then? ()

] Some of us would be more comfortable with Austen if her social and political values were more like our own, but I think that's a temptation to be resisted. She's a critic, to be sure, but not a Dickensian critic. The objects of her scorn are people who abuse their positions in the hierarchy and fail to live up to their traditional responsibilities -- not the hierarchy itself.

The basis for our argument is a bit thin.
I just find it hard to believe that she should have been so "blind" to the overall picture, so "narrowsighted".
Can we take her novels and the remaining letters and biographical notes as a proof of that? I'm not so sure. Did she never even for a moment question the values of her own class ? If I may quote what another author(Jane Aiken Hodge) says about her: "Jane Austen did her best to conform to the conventions of her day,and after her death the family touched up the picture.She was 'dear aunt Jane'. She played ,supremely well, the part that was expected of her."
But what did she really think? We are all guessing aren't we.

Leif G-n

Messages In This Thread

Bad Jane..
Whitewashing JA
One possible cause?
Cassandra and Whitewashing
Actually, Cassandra is innocent of burning Jane's letters...
Thank you, Mary. News indeed1 NFM
Yes, Mary..have you got time for more?
"Time for more" about Caroline and Cassandra...
LOL! Thank you, Mary!
Re: Cassandra not burning letters..
Cassandra and the letters
What's The Problem
The problem is..
Is It, Then?
Oh, Jack!
Point Taken -- Sorry nfm
Basis for argument..?
Dear Aunt Jane
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THE industrial town - depicted by Jane
And the town you are referring to is...? nfm
And the Answer Is
The Royal Naval Dockyard, Portsmouth
I take your point, but
You got me! Good point. nfm
And another industrial site.....
You can't fool me! It's Lyme, of course. nfm
True, but
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To be fair to the more egalitarian side
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Brought Up To It